PDV gingerbread house competition

December is an amazing time to be at PDV. We get to strengthen our bonds with our clients and suppliers and use the less manic time to plan for the next year. But let’s be honest it can be a bit quiet in the office.

That’s why our fantastic HR team came up with a daily “15 minutes of fun”. Helping to make the office a supportive and fun place to be is just one part of their role, but it’s an important one. So we held lots of little competitions throughout December, with small prizes for winners.

The gingerbread house building challenge was a favourite for me as I got to eat the results (although looking at them you can tell we’re in direct marketing and not construction!).

PDV gingerbread house competition entries

There were many more challenges, and the real joy came from how everyone ceased adulting for a while and got really stuck into the games. We did Hoop the Horn, Bingo, raffles and Christmas Jumper Day where we raised over £200 for Spread a Smile (Check them out here – www.spreadasmile.org – they are lovely people who try to ease the strain on young people happy while they are in hospital).

So thank you to the HR team for organising everything and keeping the buzz going through December, and thank you to everyone being such great sports. Merry Christmas to everyone and if all the raw competitiveness we’ve seen in December is anything to go by, here’s to a successful 2024.