Data Protection

Experian and the ICO

About a month ago, the disagreement between the ICO and Experian finally headed towards closure with the following sentence: “The Information Commissioner’s Appeal is dismissed.” This succinct statement was followed up by 57 closely written pages of…

Privacy in 2024

Privacy Areas To Watch in 2024

There’s so much for direct marketing privacy professionals and practitioners to look out for in 2024. Towards the end of last year, the ICO told us they’d written to owners of some of the UK’s most visited websites where they could see that cookie…

Marketing navigating the storm

Direct Marketing in the Maelstrom

I don’t often lament the fate of marketers. We have a lovely job and generally a lot of fun doing it. That said, with the cost-of-living crisis and the current economic turmoil, we might be forgiven for feeling like our job has become unnecessarily…

Electric car at charging bay.

New Cars - who's going electric?

Two years ago, we asked our friends over at MyOffers to talk to their audience about the cars they drive and the cars they want to drive with some fascinating results. Before I start, I should share a couple of facts… The MyOffers audience…

gavel block

The ICO and Experian - What have we learned?

On Monday this week, the First-Tier Tribunal published its judgment on Experian’s appeal against the ICO’s enforcement notice. The tribunal allowed the appeal in part and made a substitute decision with such minor ramifications for Experian that…